Having A Healthy Pregnancy If You're Overweight

Overweight moms-to-be can enjoy a safe and healthy pregnancy if they take care of themselves and get the necessary medical care. Weight-related complications are not uncommon during pregnancy and labor, so it is important that overweight expectant women know how to stay healthy.

Complications related to being overweight during pregnancy include high blood pressure, miscarriages, and labor starting sooner than usual which could affect the health of both the mother and the baby. Let us examine how you can cope with being overweight during pregnancy and steps you can take to avoid complications and increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy.

Eat healthy and exercise

The most important thing you can do for the well-being of you and your baby is to eat healthy and exercise regularly. An obstetrics or midwife can advise you on which foods to take and what to avoid, although a balanced diet and eating more fruits, vegetables and foods rich in fiber is generally best for you during pregnancy.

If you weren't exercising regularly before getting pregnant, now would be a good time to talk to a doctor about an exercise regime that suits you. An aerobics exercise program with moderate activities such as swimming and walking would be especially beneficial to overweight pregnant women as it helps them cope better with the pregnancy and manage their weight.

Strenuous activities are unnecessary, as low-impact activities such as walking and swimming will be better suited to improving your health and that of your baby without draining you physically.

Do not diet

Attempting to lose weight while pregnant is risky and does nothing to help prevent complications caused by being overweight. Instead of dieting to lose weight, stick to regular exercise and a balanced diet as a safer way of coping with your weight.

A strict diet can deny your baby vital nutrients they need to develop, while some effects of dieting such as nausea and vomiting can make it much more difficult to carry the pregnancy.

A prescription of supplements such as folic acid and vitamin D may also be necessary for the development of your baby, so talk to your midwife or doctor about additional nutrients that may supplement a balanced diet.

To reduce the risks of complications associated with obesity during pregnancy, visit your obstetrician for regular prenatal care and advice on dieting and exercise. Your doctor should be able to check on your baby though ultrasounds and perform tests that will reveal the state of your health and any complications during pregnancy.
