How To Not Damage Contact Lenses

If you are planning on getting contact lenses, then you want to learn about what you should and shouldn't do regarding them. The information here will help educate you on the ins and outs of wearing contacts, so you can wear them in comfort and not accidentally destroy them.

Preparing to put your contacts in

You should always put your contacts in with clean hands. Wash them with a mild soap and rinse them well with warm water to make sure all the soap is off. Dry your hands using a towel that's lint free so you don't have fuzz on your fingers that can get in your eyes.

Clean your contacts before each and every use. Look at them closely and make sure the edges of each contact doesn't look as if it slightly flared out around the edges. If they do look this way, then it means they are inside out. Flip them around to correct the issue.

After cleaning them and verifying they are shaped correctly, fill them half way up with the contact solution to make them more comfortable to put in your eyes.

Wearing your contacts safely

You should stay out of certain conditions when you have your contacts in. Extreme winds, dust storms and rooms where painting is taking place are a few examples of conditions where you should opt to wear glasses instead.

If your contacts are bothering your eyes, you should take them out for a while and allow your eyes to rest. Otherwise, you may find yourself rubbing your eyes and causing your contacts to become lost or damaged.

Do not wear your contacts when you are taking a shower or when you are going to go swimming. Also, if it is raining hard outside, then you should use an umbrella to avoid getting the rain in your eyes when you have your contacts in.

Storing your contacts

Always clean your contacts off thoroughly before putting them in the storage case. Change the solution in the case weekly to prevent the lenses from getting germs on them. Put the cap to the case on securely, while making sure it isn't too tight. Otherwise, you may spill the solution and contacts out when you open the case.

Make sure the case is on a level surface, so the contacts don't accidentally come into contact with a part of the case that doesn't have solution and stick to it, such as the bottom part of the lid.

Now that you know more about contacts, you will be ready to begin wearing them without experiencing some of the more common problems. Contact an eye doctor for more information.
