Reasons Women Should Strength Train
Many women avoid strength training because they believe that too much strength training will eventually cause them to bulk up. And most women aren't exercising to bulk up; they want to slim down. What these women don't realize is that strength training may actually help them slim down faster than doing cardio exercises alone. So if you only do cardio workouts, take some time to learn why you need to be strength training on a regular basis.
Strong, Dense Muscle Burns Fat Faster Than Weaker Muscles
It's a common misconception that if a woman lifts heavier weights, she will bulk up. That simply isn't true. Think about this, you lift things that are heavier than a few pounds every day. How often do you carry baskets full of laundry, bring groceries into the house, or pick up your kids? Picking these things up isn't making your muscles get bulkier, but it is making them stronger. You want your muscles to get stronger and denser so that they burn the fat on top of them to give you a toned look. So in addition to your cardio workouts, you need to be strength training and not with light weights. When you're planning your strength training routine, keep in mind that picking up light weights for 20 or more repetitions builds endurance, but picking up heavy weights for less repetitions makes you stronger and your muscles denser.
Stronger Muscles Boost Your Cardio Performance
Stronger muscles give you more speed and endurance, which boosts your overall cardio performance. If you're hitting a plateau in your cardio workout and you don't think that you can do any better than you are currently, start strength training. Eventually, you'll blast through your current plateau and reach goals that you didn't imagine were possible.
It Decreases Your Risk of Osteoporosis
Did you know that strength training can increase your body's bone mineral density as much as 13 percent within a six month period? Of course, you should still consume the recommended amount of calcium per day to fend off osteoporosis, but by combining that with strength training, you'll decrease your risk of getting Osteoporosis even further.
It doesn't matter whether you're exercising to look better or to improve your health, strength training will still help you reach your ultimate goal. If you aren't sure about how to add strength training to your current workout routine, talk to a trainer as soon as possible.