Three Signs You Are Allergic To Bee Stings

Getting stung by a bee is never pleasant, but it's especially bad if you are allergic. It's important to know whether or not you are allergic, though since you can know whether or not you should take more precautions when outdoors around bees. Here are three signs that you are probably allergic:

  1. Mild Symptoms: If you just have mild symptoms, then you don't need to take severe precautions or visit an emergency room, but you should still be wary in case it gets worse. Mild symptoms include a red welt or white spot where the sting was, slight swelling, or a burning pain. If you experience these things, it's nothing to worry about, but it does indicate that you are slightly allergic to bee stings. 
  2. Moderate Symptoms: Moderate symptoms include severe redness in the area and swelling that increases over time. These symptoms are also something not to worry too much about as they will subside over time. However, if the swelling continues after three days, you might want to visit your doctor. Your doctor will be able to determine whether or not you have a more severe allergy to worry about and whether or not the area has become infected. This way, proper treatment and precaution around bees in the future can be taken. 
  3. Severe Symptoms: Severe symptoms to a bee sting, includes hives, difficulty breathing, swelling in the throat, rapid pulse, vomiting, and more. Not all of these things are going to happen at once, but even if only one of these things happen, you are having a severe reaction that needs to be addressed right away. You are going to want to call 911 and get yourself to the hospital. This is extremely important since most people who have a severe reaction end up losing consciousness and possible dying because they cannot breath. If this has happened to you, you are going to want to get an EpiPen and have it on you at all times. This way, you can use it as directed if you are ever stung again in the future. 

When you know these three signs of a bee sting allergic reaction, you can be sure that you know what to do and whether or not you need to take precautions around bees in the future. This is going to ensure that you avoid severe reactions that could possibly lead to the lose of your life. 
