How Will An Injury Merit Screening Consultant Help You Win Medical Malpractice Cases?
While some medical malpractice cases are straightforward and easy to prove, others can be more complicated. For example, if you have a client who has a catastrophic injury, then their case might be harder to make.
If you handle a lot of medical malpractice cases or are dealing with a more complex case for the first time, then it pays to partner with a catastrophic injury merit screening consultant. Why?
Get An Expert Initial Assessment
If you don't have a medical background, then you can't always assess if a malpractice case has merit. This can be particularly difficult in more serious injuries where damage and health problems might be less quantifiable and provable.
For example, if a client has severe headaches or cognitive disorders after a negligent surgical procedure, then they might have a case for compensation. Problem is, you have to assess whether their symptoms or problems can be linked to the procedure.
If a client doesn't actually have a case, then you waste time on a malpractice suit that won't be successful. Or, they might not be awarded as much compensation as they deserve. So, it makes sense to ask an injury merit consultant for an initial assessment.
A consultant can tell you if your client has a viable case. They can tell you if the procedure is likely to have caused their current health problems. They can evaluate records and give you their opinion on the patient's quality of care during their treatment.
You get a clear idea of whether the case has merit before you proceed. You improve your chances of success and compensation returns by targeting provable causes. You also reduce wasted time on cases you might lose.
Find Expert Medical Witnesses
You are likely to need one or more medical experts as your case proceeds. You rely on these people to give expert opinions to prove your case and win your claims.
It's important to pick the right experts here. If one of your witnesses doesn't have the background, qualifications, and experience to make a convincing argument, then their testimony loses validity. It could lose you a case.
Merit screening consultants can also help you find the right medical experts for your cases. Some consultancies employ their own experts; others recommend suitable professionals with credentials and experience that match your clients' medical problems.
This is especially important if a case focuses on catastrophic injuries. You might need to make various and complex claims to get the right compensation for serious or life-altering problems. An expert in a relevant field has the skills and experience to make a case for you.
To get started, contact catastrophic injury merit screening consultants.