A Mom's Priority: Pediatric Healthcare

Could Oral Surgery Help Your Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs when oral structures, such as the soft palate, tonsils, and tongue, relax too much and obstruct your normal breathing rhythm. OSA can greatly impact your day-to-day activities as it may cause you to have issues like chronic headaches and daytime fatigue. The Mayo Clinic says that this condition can also lead to complications, such as diabetes, heart issues, liver problems, and high blood pressure. If you are looking for ways to treat your OSA, you may want to talk to your doctor about oral surgery.   Read More...

Getting To The Root Of Herniated Discs

Herniated discs are a common cause of neck and back pain. Unfortunately, many people get treatment for herniated discs that only puts a bandage on the symptoms. As a result, many people continue to live with the symptoms year after year. Are you concerned about herniated discs? This is what you should know if you want to actually treat the condition from the inside out. First, You Should Understand the Physiology   Read More...

Why Men Should Consider A Holistic Hormone Replacement Therapy With Bioidentical Testosterone

When most people hear about hormone replacement therapy (HRT) they do not think about men. The truth is just as many men go through hormonal issues as they age as women do. If you are experiencing mood swings, hair loss, a decreased sex drive, or erectile dysfunction, you may want to talk with your doctor about HRT. Be sure to talk with them about the differences between bioidentical hormones and synthetic hormones.   Read More...

Beyond Wrinkles: Other Facial Skin Problems Med Spas Can Help You With

Many people have come to equate med spas with filler and Botox injections. Indeed, many people head to the local med spa for these treatments, and at many med spas, they are the most common treatments administered. However, med spas typically do far more than just treating wrinkles and fine lines. Here are some other skin problems you can have treated or managed at a medical spa. Acne Acne can be really difficult to treat.   Read More...

What Causes Bronchitis and When Should You Visit an Urgent Care for It?

If you have a persistent cough that's taking a long time to go away, you may be suffering from bronchitis. Bronchitis occurs when a virus or bacteria infects the bronchi and bronchioles in your lungs. These are the tubes that carry the air you breathe deeper into your lungs. While bronchitis isn't life-threatening, it can sometimes progress to pneumonia if the infection spreads. In addition, pneumonia symptoms can sometimes be mistaken for bronchitis.   Read More...